by Paul Vallandigham
Learn to measure the Rate of Twist yourself. Then there will be NO DOUBT about it.
Put a wire bore brush on a cleaning rod, then put a lubed Patch on the
muzzle, and run the patch down the barrel with the bore brush. Go to the
bottom, pulling back every once in awhile to make sure you can pull the
brush and patch out again. ( Always twist the brush clockwise to help
the bristles adjust to move backwards, when you pull the rod back out.)
The lubed patch helps the brush run down and back out the bore. The
Bristles of the bore brush will hold the patch in place, and stick
through it to get down into the grooves.
Now. Mark the rod at the muzzle with tape, or some other way, at the
muzzle. Use your front sight as a reference. The easiest way is to make
two "ends" to the tape, that come together and stick up off the rod, in
line with that front sight. But, a mark on the tape works as well.
Twist rates are measured in so many inches per Revolution( i.e. how much
distance in the bore does the ball move to rotate 360 degrees). With
Round Ball barrels, the ROT can be slow enough that you won't get a full
rotation inside the barrel. But, a full rotation is NOT needed to
determine the ROT. You can determine the entire ROT length by rotating
the brush just 1/4 turn.
With the tape on the rod, marked to index your front sight, slowly pull
the rod out, feeling the rod so that you know the bristles are staying
in the grooves. When the rod has turned 1/4 turn or rotation, stop.
Measure the distance from the tape to the Muzzle. Assuming the tape was
wrapped around the rod right at the muzzle, the distance from the tape
to the muzzle at the 1/4 turn position will be 1/4 of the length of the
ROT. So, multiply the distance measured from the muzzle to the tape, and
multiply that number by 4 to get the full ROT.
Do this measurement several times, as its easy, at first, to grab the rod too hard, and get a wrong reading.
I walked my brother through this process over the phone a couple of
years ago, with a new gun, and he came up with ROTs that made no sense-
odd numbers not even close to the standard ROTs expected. I had him
repeat the exercise several times, until he got a feeling for the rod
and brush, and stopped holding the rod so hard. Then he got a proper
measurement, and repeated the same measurement 3 times in a row.
Boy, was he happy to learn how to measure his own ROTs. He told me that
he didn't really understand WHY I was telling him to Not hold the rod so
hard, when he pulled the bore brush back out the barrel UNTIL he
learned to do it correctly! I laughed. It was the same experience I had
the first time I learned to do this. And, the friend who showed me how
to do my own measuring was on me to " try it again", just as I had done
with my Brother.
Why not just ONE ROT per caliber? Well, some want to shoot conicals,
others just Round Balls, and others want to shoot both! The slower the
ROT, the more forgiving the barrel is to changes in powder charges,
however. That is the reason you see so many RB barrels of different
A glance down the barrel with a bore light will give you an idea on how
deep the grooves( rifling) are in a barrel. If the grooves are shallow,
its a fast twist barrel intended to be shooting conicals. It will shoot a
Patched Round Ball, but at reduced powder charges for accuracy. The
shallow grooves work with a bullet that has a lot of surface area
pushing against the grooves. The surface area of a Patched Round Ball,
that actually pushes against the rifling, is too small to get a good
grip, particular at higher velocities.
Conical bullets are often sized only .001-.002" smaller than the bore
diameter of the guns. Sometimes they are paper patched, but generally, a
conical bullet sized that close is expected to expand on firing to fill
the shallow grooves to provide spin to the bullet.
A deep grooved barrel is a RB barrel, designed to shoot a Patched Round
Ball. The deep grooves provide a place for the cloth patch to go when
the fabric is compressed by the lands( bore) of the rifle. The fabric
pushing into the deep grooves then provides a better seal to keep gases
behind the ball.
By " Deep", we are talking about groove depth that is .008"- .012" deep
from the land next to it. Shallow-grooved barrels will have groove
depths from .002-.005 or .006". Compare your MLer barrel's rifling to
any modern pistol, or rifle barrel to see the difference, or similarity,
in groove depth.
What should you expect for Rates of Twist of rifling in Muzzle loading
rifles? The faster ROTs, used in shallow grooved barrels designed to
shoot conical bullets will be in the area of 1:28 to 1:34. RB barrels,
with deep grooves, run from 1:48 up to 1:70, with some large bore
barrels being rifled with ROTs as slow a 1:100 !
{NOTE: Pistol barrels will often have faster ROTs to put more spin to the bullet or PRB in the shorter length of those barrels.}
The 1:48 ROT is considered a " compromise ROT" for guns of .45 to 58
caliber, as short, lighter weight conicals can be shot accurate with
that fast a rate of twist, while that rate of twist also allows PRBs to
be shot accurately from these calibers. Typically, the 1:48 ROT barrels
will be made with deep grooves, to help in shooting PRBs. For best
accuracy using conicals, some kind of filler, or Over Powder wad is
recommended to seal the gas behind the bullet, and protect the base of
the bullet when it leaves the muzzle of the gun.
Paul Vallandigham, 10/09
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