Sunday, April 6, 2014

Wood Boxes

Here is the wood Hardtack crates that I made.
This one has 10in Sides
It has all my Civil War items that I would need for an event without a tent.

This is my box with a 12in side

This is the one that I use for events that I go to with a tent. Inside is my tent, extra blanket, and bed roll. 

I finished them with boiled linseed oil.

Here they are together.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wood Projects

Ok so my Sister got me a book for Civil War woodworking so I started some the projects even though I modified some of the plans still think I got a good out come.
Ok so here is my basement. Little destroyed lol

Borrowed wood saw's from neighbors.

Here is the stool my first project

Camp table that folds flat and is put together with wooden pegs for easy removal.

Side of the table

Here is "Hardtack" box I made.

Made the lid different because I though it would be better for me. made it this way for strength.

Picture into the crate.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Haversack Stuffer Bags

Here are some haversack stuffer bag I made since I can sew now.
Here is a view of all the different sizes I have made

Here is a view of my mess kit, salt and pepper napkin and my eating utensils. 

Here is the bag for my coffee matches candles ect. to be carried in haversack.

In this big bag I put my extra items, candles matches tooth brush crotch powder extra shoe laces I would carry this item in my haversack or keep it in my tent.

Here are two bag that I will use as my ration bag. On for meat items and one for hardtack.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Here is a Journal, note book I made for Civil War Reenacting to keep track of names and stuff.

Made it out of old shoe laces and a Pre-war Haversack I had.

Just used regular printer paper I had till I can get more authintic stuff.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Here are my brogans I wear at the event and the wool socks.
Here they are with the wool socks I wear as well.

I chose not to put the heel plates on mine because it makes walking a bigger pain.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Here is a picture of my Civil War uniform.
This is my other shirt it is white muslin

Sack Coat

Vest I where it at cold events or when I want pockets, in the war it would have been an item personally bought from the sutlers


Muslin Under drawers

Thursday, February 6, 2014


 Here is my greatcoat for those December events when it gets cold. I either where the just the greatcoat or if it is really cold you can wear your sack coat and the greatcoat if its really cold.

Here it is.

Picture of the front you can see where the coat buttons and then where the cap buttons.

Here is a picture of the liner.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Here is another item that I use for Civil War reenacting. Its a handy little Lantern.
Here it is has glass on three sides and a mirror on the other to direct the light.

Pull up on this rod to expose the candle so you can light it.

Here is my handy little match tin.

Here it is lit.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Handsewen Shirt

I bought this shirt kit from Wambaugh, White and Company. Its the Federal Issue Shirt, which many soldiers described as the "Hair Shirt" which I totally understand now. Anyways here are the pictures. Not completely done with it yet but very close. Still have to do button holes and some other odds and n's. Didn't get any pictures before I started so here are pictured of the finished product. Also I didn't follow the direction completely.

Here it is.

Here is the cuff


Here is the Gusset

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Made a Knife

Last time I was at my Wife's grandparent house they broke one of there kitchen knife's so I took the blade and said I would make a knife out of it for fun here are the pictures..... should have took some before pictures but I think you will get the main idea... also wanted to mention that I built it all with stuff I had laying around.
Here is the broken  knife handle

Here is the new and old blades next to each other

This is the knife i made out of the broken blade the handle is Elk Antler

This is the knife and the sheath I made for it