Sunday, March 24, 2013

Patch Materal, Bore Butter, Loading Blocks

I use 100% cotton pillow ticking from walmart for my patch material. They say that you should wash it before you shoot it to remove all the starch and other "chemicals". Also I get quite a bit at a time because it varies in thickness from bolt to bolt. After its washed I tear them into strips and put them in a box till I lube them and put them in an air tight container. I sight my gun in from bolt to bolt because the thickness will cause it to shoot different. I use TC bore butter to lube them, after i have the strips I lube about 4 to 5 rolls at a time and seal them in a air tight container until Im ready to shoot them so they don't dry out. Also I will mention now that you want to get your lube spread as evenly as you can, as it will affect accuracy in small amounts unless you are shooting 300 plus yards. I cut my own patches either at the barrel or when I'm pre-loading my loading blocks the night before. The loading blocks are made out of hard wood with a hole drilled in them the size or you barrel. ( these are for .50cal so 1/2 drill bit) They speed up shooting quite a bit, they are also handing in remembering how many shots you have shot at the target.
Here are some Pictures.
 Here is all my patch material, bore butter, short starter, and loading blocks.
 The one on the left is not Lubes yet and the one on the right is lubed with Bore Butter.

1 comment:

  1. That's cool. I didn't know that about the patch material... it makes sense just not something you think about I suppose. :)
